Friendly Pricing
Reach thousands of fun seekers, foodies, tourist and business professionals who are searching for new and exciting experiences. All at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertisement.
Frequently asked questions
How do I submit my event or business?
Submitting your event or business is quick and easy. Simply click on the "Add Business" button on your top right. There you will be taken to the "Submit your business" page. Simply fill in the form and pay a small one time user fee and then you will be granted access to all our features and benefits for as long as you like.
What types of business or events can I promote?
You can promote businesses and events such as parties, restaurants, business sales, car rental, workshop, hiking, gospel concerts, fundraisers, bible school, game nights, movies, festivals, marathons, seminars, comedy show, football games etc. If you are still unsure if your business meets our criteria, feel free to email us at
How do I update my business or event page?
Feel free to email us at about any changes you would like to make to your profile page and we will update it within 24 hours.
How do I remove an event?
All events are removed after its completion date and all businesses will remain on our website unless instructions are given by the owner to remove said business. Should you require that we remove your event due to cancellation or for any reason, feel free to email us at and we will be happy to do so.